جزيرة الكنز لطلاب الشهادة السودانية
نقدم لكم مجموعة من الأسئلة مع أجوبتها في كتاب جزبرة الكنز treasure island لطلاب الشهادة السودانية مع الترجمة، إذا كان لديك سؤال أخر ضعه في تعليق أسفل الموضوع، بالتوفيق .
treasure island
1. Who is the author of the book ?من هو مؤلف الكتاب؟
Robert Louis Stevenson .
روبرت لويس ستيفنسون
2. Who retold the story ?
من أعاد سرد القصة
Stephen Colbourn.
ستيفن كولبورن
3. Where and when was Robert Louis Stevenson born ?
أين ومتى ولد روبرت لويس ستيفنسون
He was born in Edinburgh in Scotland in 1850.
ولد في ادنبره باسكتلندا عام 1850
4. Why did Robert Louis Stevenson go to the south of pacific ?
لماذا ذهب روبرت لويس ستيفنسون إلى جنوب المحيط الهادئ
Because the weather was warm.
لأن الطقس كان دافئا هناك .
لماذا ذهب روبرت لويس ستيفنسون إلى جنوب المحيط الهادئ
Because the weather was warm.
لأن الطقس كان دافئا هناك .
5. When did story take place ?
متى حدثت القصة
It took place in the middle of 18th century.
حدث ذلك في منتصف القرن الثامن عشر
6. What happens to pirates if they were caught ?
ماذا يحدث للقراصنة إذا تم القبض عليهم
They would be hanged.
سيتم شنقهم
7. What is the name of the Pirate's flag ?
ما اسم علم القرصان
The Jolly Roger.
جولي روجر
8. What is Cutlass ?
ما هو الكتليس؟
A short heavy sword.
سيف قصير ثقيل
9. What is Galley ?
ما هو لوح الجالي الجالي
A ship kitchen
مطبخ السفينة
10.What is Hammock ?
ما هو أرجوحة Hammock
A wooden box hung between two posts
صندوق خشبي معلق بين عمودين
11.When was Jim Hawkins born ?
متى ولد جيم هوكينز
He was born in 1744.
ولد عام 1744
12.What did Jim's father Own ?
ماذا يمتلك والد جيم
He Owned an inn called Admiral Benbow.
امتلك فندق اسمه الأدميرال بينبو
13.Where does Jim and his parent live?
أين يعيش جيم ووالده
In the South coast of England in Admiral Benbow.
في الساحل الجنوبي لإنجلترا في الأميرال بينبو
14.How much did captain Bill give to Jim's father ?
كم أعطى كابتن بيل لوالد جيم
Four pounds in gold.
أربعة جنيهات من الذهب
15.When was Jim's father fell sick ?
متى مرض والد جيم
In winter.
في الشتاء
16.Why did the Black Dog come to Admiral Benbow ?
لماذا جاء بلاك دوج إلى الأدميرال بينبو
To talk to captain Bill.
للتحدث إلى كابتن بيل
17.What did Blind pew put in to captain Bill's hand ?
ماذا وضع بلايند بيو في يد كابتن بيل
A piece of paper with black spot .
قطعة من الورق بها بقعة سوداء
18.Why did Jim and his mother run to the villages ?
لماذا هرب جيم وأمه إلى القرى
So as to get help.
حتى يحصلون على المساعدة
19.Who sent the custom men to the Inn ?
من أرسل رجال الجمارك إلى الفندق
Dr Livesey.
دكتورة ليفيسي
20.How did blind pew die ?
كيف مات بلايند
The horses rode over him.
ركبت الخيول فوقه
21.Where did captain Flint die ?
أين مات كابتن فلينت
In South America.
في جنوب امريكا
22.Where did Squire Trelawney go to charter a ship
أين ذهب سكوير تريلاوني لاستئجار سفينة
He went to Bristol.
ذهب إلى بريستول
23.Where did Squire Trelawney stay in Bristol ?
أين أقام سكوير تريلاوني في بريستول
He stayed in old Anchor Inn
مكث في فندق كبير
24.What is the name of the Ship ?
ما اسم السفينة
25.Who chose the crew for Squire Trelawney ?
من اختار طاقم سكوير تريلاوني
Long John Silver.
لونغ جون سيلفر
26.How did Silver lose his left leg ?
كيف فقد سيلفر ساقه اليسرى
In a sea battle.
في معركة بحرية
27.How did blind pew became blind ?
كيف اصبح بلايند بيو أعمى
In a sea battle.
في معركة بحرية
28.How did Dr Livesey and Jim travel to Bristol ?
كيف سافر دكتور ليفيسي وجيم إلى بريستول
They travelled in a coach pulled by horses.
سافروا في عربة تجرها الخيول
29.What was the name of the Ship's captain ?
ما هو اسم كابتن السفينة
Captain Smollett .
كابتن سموليت
30.Where did Jim used to sleep ?
أين كان جيم ينام
In a hammock.
في أرجوحة
31.What was the name of Silver's parrot ?
ما هو اسم ببغاء سيلفر
Captain Flint.
كابتن فلينت
32. "Pieces of eight Pieces of eight " Who said that ?
"Pieces of eight Pieces of eight" من قال ذلك
The Parrot.
33.What were the purposes of the two barrels on the deck of Hispaniola's ?
ما هي أغراض البرميلين على سطح سفينة هيسبانيولا
One for fresh water and the other for apples
واحد للمياه العذبة والآخر للتفاح
ما هي أغراض البرميلين على سطح سفينة هيسبانيولا
One for fresh water and the other for apples
واحد للمياه العذبة والآخر للتفاح
34.When did Jim know that Silver was a pirate ?
متى علم جيم أن سيلفر كان قرصانا
While he was in the barrel of apples.
عندما كان في برميل التفاح
35.Why did Jim Climb into the apple's barrel ?
لماذا تسلل جيم إلى برميل التفاح
Because he couldn’t see the bottom of the barrel
لأنه لم يستطع رؤية قاع البرميل
36.What made Jim sleepy while he was into the barrel ?
ما الذي جعل جيم يشعر بالنعاس عندما كان في البرميل
The movement of the ship and the darkness.
حركة السفينة والظلام
37. " Dead men tell no tales " who said ?
"الموتى لا يروون الحكايات" من قال
Long John Silver.
لونغ جون سيلفر
38.What stopped Silver and his friend conversation ?
ما الذي أوقف المحادثة بين سيلفر وصديقه
The look out at the top of the mast shouted " land – ho! I see land"
صاح الناظرين أعلى السفينة "أرض - هوو! نحن نرى أرض"
39.What was Squire reaction when he knew Silver . was a pirate ?
ماذا كان رد فعل سكوير عندما عرف الفضة. كان قرصانا
He was surprised and did not believe Jim.
تفاجأ ولم يصدق جيم
40.How did Captain Smollett look at the Island ?
كيف نظر كابتن سمولت إلى الجزيرة؟
Through a telescope.
من خلال تلسكوب
حاول الإجابة على هذه الأسئلة
سأترك لكم الإجابات ما بعد الأسئلة مباشرة
41.What was the highest part on the Island ?
42.What was the wooden building on the Island called ?
43.Who built the stockade ?
44.Why did Jim Hawkins go ashore with the pirates ?
45.Why did Silver and his friend kill Tom and Allan ?
46.How many men go with silver to the Island ?
47.Who met Jim Hawkins on the Island ?
48.How did Ben Gunn manage to live on the Island ?
49.How many years did Ben Gunn spend on the Island ?
50.Who marooned Ben Gunn and why ?
51.Why did Dr Livesey and his friends leave the ship and went to the stockade ?
53.How does Silver stop Jim running away ?
54.What did the pirates find at the top of Spy – Glass hill ?
55.What did long John Silver do at the end of the story ?
56.What did Ben Gunn do with his share ?
57.What did Jim Hawkins do with his share ?
58.What did Squire Trelawney with his share ?
59.What did captain Smollett do with his share ?
60.What did Dr livesey do with his share ?
61.How much was the treasure ?
62.Who found the treasure ?
42.What was the wooden building on the Island called ?
43.Who built the stockade ?
44.Why did Jim Hawkins go ashore with the pirates ?
45.Why did Silver and his friend kill Tom and Allan ?
46.How many men go with silver to the Island ?
47.Who met Jim Hawkins on the Island ?
48.How did Ben Gunn manage to live on the Island ?
49.How many years did Ben Gunn spend on the Island ?
50.Who marooned Ben Gunn and why ?
51.Why did Dr Livesey and his friends leave the ship and went to the stockade ?
53.How does Silver stop Jim running away ?
54.What did the pirates find at the top of Spy – Glass hill ?
55.What did long John Silver do at the end of the story ?
56.What did Ben Gunn do with his share ?
57.What did Jim Hawkins do with his share ?
58.What did Squire Trelawney with his share ?
59.What did captain Smollett do with his share ?
60.What did Dr livesey do with his share ?
61.How much was the treasure ?
62.Who found the treasure ?
الاجابات بالترتيب
41. The spy glass hill.
42. Stockade .
43. The Sailors.
44. Because he had been at the sea for a month he wanted to feel the land under his feet .
45. Because they refused to join them
46. Twelve men.
47. Ben Gunn.
48. By eating fish and fruits .
49. Three years.
50. The Flint's men because he lied to them .
51. Because it was a safer place also , there is water to drink.
52. Because his friends left the stockade , and the stockade was occupied by pirates .
53. By putting a rope round Jim's neck .
54. They found a big wide hole.
55. He took 3000 pounds in gold and fled away.
56. He spent it in three weeks and became a beggar .
57. He bought a big inn and paid for his study.
58. He became a very rich man and went back to live in the big white house on the hill
59. Bought himself a house on the coast .
60. He became a wealthy doctor in London .
61. 700.000 pound in gold .
62. Ben Gunn and he put it in his cave
شكرا جزيلا
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حذفThank's so much 🤤💛
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ردحذفرووووووعه تسلم يدك
ردحذفجزاكم الله خير
ردحذفWhere do Jim Hawkins and his parents
ردحذفتسلمو كتيير
ردحذففي رايكم اذا قريت الأسئلة دي بدون الكتاب بتكفي اخش بيها الامتحانات ؟؟
ردحذفYes you do