نقدم لكم اسئلة في والبادئات واللواحق Prefixes & suffixes لطلاب الشهادة السودانية، مادة اللغة الانجليزية مع الحلول لكن أولا سوف أترك لكم الفرصة لفترة زمنية محددة، ضعوا إجاباتكم في التعليقات، وسوف أرد عليك وأخبرك كم إجابة صحيحة أجبتها .
1/ Add the following suffixes to the words at the end of each sentences to form words which fit in the given space below:
-able - ing - ive - ous - ful
- Please are they most ____________ means of transported (expensive)
- we must keep _________ drugs out of the much of children (poison)
- we enjoy if the parts, we had a _____________ time there (wonder)
- my mother bought me a _____________ much (value).
- We attended an _____________ lecture last month (invest).
- able - ness - ing - ship - ity
- The ____________ of people seem prefer watching games (major).
- Some disease and __________________ (cure).
- He was absent because of his ____________ (ill).
- Good ____________ is always appreciated (leader).
- The wrestling much was very ____________ (excite).
2/ Add the following Prefixes to the words at the end of each sentences to form words which fit in the given space below:
un - im - dis - over - fore -
- Omer is____________ with his result (satisfied).
- Cairo Suffers from ________________ (population).
- It is ________________ to drive too fast (wise).
- A cording to the weather ________ tomorrow will be very cold (cast).
- I`m busy, it is _____________ for me to come at 8 O`clock (passible)
un - over - im - dis - under -
- The ____________ Nile is as large as the surface Bile (governed).
- The plan was ________________ so the term last match (practical).
- It is ____________ to buy very expensive mobile phone (necessary).
- We don`t like __________________ people (hence).
- One should not _____________ one self (work).
الله يعينكم
ردحذفكلام جميل