
أسئلة كتاب الأدب صديقنا المشترك Our Mutual Friend (الجزء السادس)

أسئلة كتاب الأدب صديقنا المشترك Our Mutual Friend
أسئلة كتاب الأدب صديقنا المشترك Our Mutual Friend

أسئلة كتاب الأدب صديقنا المشترك Our Mutual Friend

إليكم الجزء السادس والأخير من رواية صديقنا المشترك Our Mutual Friend لطلاب الشهادة الثانوية السودانية، إذا لم تكن قد تصفحت المواضيع السابقة، فإننا ننصحك بالعودة إليها حتى تستفيد أقصى استفادة ممكنة لتحقيق الدرجات الكبيرة في امتحان الانجليزي الخاص بامتحان الشهادة السودانية.

Chapter 16: The Attack

Give short answers:

1. “Will you walk beside me, Mr. Wrayburn and not touch me” Who said?
Bella did.
2. How is Lizzie‟s class different from Eugene Wrayburn?
She is a poor working girl, but Eugene is a gentleman.
3. Did Eugene have power over Lizzie?
Yes, he did.
4. Why did Lizzie cry when she saw the bloodstained face?
Because she knew him s Eugene.
5. Where did Lizzie take the injured Eugene to?
To the inn.
6. What did the first doctor men by, “Look after that poor girl”?
Because she was unconscious. (As she lifted the heavy man, Eugene)
7. How did Rogue know that the schoolmaster killed Eugene?
His clothes were spotted with blood. (One of his sleeves was torn)
8. Was Headstone sorry about what he had done?
No, he wasn’t.
9. “Look out! You’ve cut your hand” To whom did Riderhood say?
To Mr. Headstone.

Mark these sentences with true or false:

  1. The man who was dressed as a boatman was Mr. Boffin. (false)
  2. Mr. Headstone knocked Mr. Eugene Wrayburn. (true)
  3. Lizzie rowed to the bank and lifted Eugene‟ body into the boat. (true)
  4. Lizzie saved Eugene from the river and death. (true)

Chapter 17: ‘Let Him Go Unpunished’

Give short answers:

1. Who brought the note from Miss Lizzie to Jenny Wren?
Mortimer Lightwood did.
2. Did Eugene know who had attacked him?
Yes, he did.
3. Why did Eugene say, “The man must never be given up to the Police”?
Because Lizzie will be punished instead of the schoolmaster.
4. Does Eugene want to make Lizzie his wife?
Yes, he did.

Mark these sentences with true or false:

  1. Eugene asked for Jenny Wren. (true)
  2. “If that man is accused, you must keep silent and save him” Said Mortimer. (false)
  3. Eugene wants the schoolmaster to be punished. (false)
  4. Rogue Riderhood was used to following people. (true)
  5. Riderhood could take the bundle of clothes out of the river to his lock. (true)

Chapter 18: ‘I’ll Never Let You Go’

Give short answers:

1. Was Charley working well at his new school?
Yes, he was.
2. “Mr. Headstone, have you heard the news” Who said?
Charley did.
3. Why did Charley say this to Headstone, “I can no longer be your friend”?
Because his friend, Bradley tried to drag him down by knocked down by Eugene.
4. How did Mr. Headstone know that Eugene had not died?
When he heard that Eugene had married Lizzie.
5. Did Headstone know that Eugene didn‟t want him accused of his killing?
Yes, he did.
6. Why wouldn‟t Eugene tell the police who had attacked him?
For Lizzie’s sake.
7. Why did Rogue Riderhood want Mr. Headstone pay him money?
Because Bradley wore his clothes and neckerchief like him and shook blood on him.
8. How did Mr. Headstone try to trick him?
He wanted people to think that Riderhood attacked Eugene.
9. “I’ll hold you living and I’ll hold you dead” Who said?
The schoolmaster.

Mark these sentences with true or false:

  1. By refusing to marry his friend, Charley thinks Lizzie is disgracing him. (true)
  2. Charley was not doing well at school. (false)
  3. Mr. Bradley Headstone had lost his last friend by his deed. (true)
  4. “Now I am going my own way, Keep away from me” Said Mr. Headstone. (false)
  5. Instead of separating Lizzie from Eugene, Bradley had joined them forever. (true)
  6. The school is the place where young people learn what is wrong. (false)
  7. The Rogue saw the schoolmaster throw a bundle of clothes in the river. (true)
  8. Rogue Riderhood and Mr. Bradley headstone killed each other. (true)

Chapter 19: John Harmon Comes Home

Give short answers:

1. Was Bella happy with her marriage to John Rokesmith?
Yes, she was.
2. What was Julius Rokesmith suspected of as Lightwood said?
John Harmon’s murderer.
3. “I think I shall light these candles now” Who said?
The police inspector
4. Why did the police inspector charge John Rokesmith?
He thinks he is connected with Harmon murder I some way.
5. “John, dear, do you see where we are?”Who basked?
Bella did.
6. Whom did Mr. Boffin mean by, “The three of us made the plan”?
      1. Mr. Boffin 2. Mrs. Boffin 3. John Harmon
7. Why did Mr. Boffin pretend to be the cruelest and the hardest master?
To male Bella feel sorry for John Harmon and marry him.
8. Who were the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon who came to stay with them?
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene.
9. Will the society accept Eugene‟s wife, Lizzie as she was once a boatman‟s a daughter?
Yes, they will.
10.What led the gentleman to marry a poor boatman‟s daughter who is beneath his class?
He had feelings of respect and love

Mark these sentences with true or false:

  1. Bella knew that something was worrying with her Husband John. (true)
  2. A Reward had been offered for finding Julius Handford. (true)
  3. “Ma’am, your husband has given us a great deal of trouble” Sid Mr. Boffin. (false)
  4. “You dear wife of my dear John! Welcome to your house” Said Lizzie. (false)
  5. Mr. Boffin talked too much about money to show Bella how greedy she was. (true)
  6. Lizzie helped her husband Mr. Eugene to walk. (true)
  7. “A gentleman had feelings of respect and love” Said the society. (true)

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مقالات ذات صلة

  1. thank you so much fo this efforts so that to help our student.

  2. جميل جدا جدا جدا جدا جدا جدا جدا جدا جدا ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. شكرا شكرا شكرا استمروا 😩😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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